Friday, July 13, 2012

Critical Home Based Business Tips For Successful Marketing Online!

Do you have a systematic approach to internet marketing? Well I can tell you first hand marketing is a key element to address when starting a home based business. Even if you have figured out the best home business to start, it won't go anywhere without well defined time tested marketing methods.

I've spent a great amount of time in my internet marketing career aimlessly trying to market on the internet without a definite marketing system/plan put in place to bring in large amounts of subscribers and signups for my programs. I spent so much time that it got to the point that I wanted to quit because I didn't feel like I had gotten anywhere. I read through so many home based business tips trying to find the answer and I realized from studying the things that other people were having success with that I needed a set of spelled out techniques that were proven to be successful day in and day out along with lead capture pages, autoresponder(s) and tracking devices. The tracking devices are key because they allow you to find out which advertising methods work, which ones need adjusting, and which ones just down right need to be trashed.

Along with a system, another thing that I have found to be key in my marketing is to offer free or low cost information that shows a prospect how to do what they have an interest in, reduce costs, make more money or whatever it is BETTER! If you can help someone with a problem they are having then you will do a lot better at getting subscribers for your publications. These reports should allow the subscribers to opt-in from your lead page to your autoresponder to receive the information. The info that you have given them establishes what it can do for them as well as who you are. Once they know and see some benefit in the information you have provided they will be more inclined to trust your advice about extra ways to make money from home if you decide to recommend something else.

It can seem like a slow process, but once you have established your credibility with them by solving a problem or several problems of theirs when you decide to send them your opportunity they will in all likelihood be inclined to join. If you have given helpful information to several people then when you offer your opportunity this could mean several signups in one day! Also when they sign up they'll have a definite marketing system given by you to duplicate.

To summarize I'd suggest:

1. Get a marketing system in place

2. That system should include autoresponders and lead pages to capture peoples information for followup, and also should include link trackers to gauge the amount of traffic your advertisements are getting.

3. Offer Free information that helps the prospect do what they have an interest in doing BETTER, whatever the market is.

This info does 2 things:

1. Helps the prospects knowledge of what they are pursuing

2. Establishes you as an expert and builds trust which increases the persons likelihood of signing up for your primary program.

All of these things have greatly improved my signups and opt-ins in my promotions. It is without a doubt one of the key things you need to have in place when you are starting a home based business.

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