Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Simple Work From Home Jobs That Pay Well

Two common knocks against work from home jobs are that they either don't pay enough or that they are only for highly specialized professionals. Well, that is simply not the case. Below are a number of non-specialized, relatively simple jobs that allow you to work from home and that also pay you a reasonable (sometimes more than reasonable) rate.

Virtual Assistant

You may be asking, what is this ambiguous position and what does it pay? Well, for starters its ambiguity is directly related to its job description. Meaning, that depending on who you are working for, your responsibilities may vary. The good thing is, it often doesn't require specialized training.

However, a general description of this position would be someone who assists another from a remote location. For example, if you were a personal virtual assistant that could mean communicate with your boss about organizing their computer files or creating a personalized database just for them. If it's for a company, however, it could mean researching a competitor's product or completing tasks that overload a certain department.

Whatever the responsibilities are though, it does pay well. For example, a quick look online and you'll find that there are plenty of such positions that start out at around $15 an hour, but that if you have enough experience you can get upwards of $50 an hour. It's worth investing if you are seeking a work from home opportunity.

Medical transcriptionist

Another one of these relatively simple and good paying jobs that lets you work from your home is a medical transcriptionist. Now, by simple, I only mean that this job doesn't require advanced degrees or years of specialized experience. By no means does simple define the job as overly easy or boring.

That is, one of a medical transcriptionist's primary responsibilities is to take dictation from a medical professional, usually a doctor. This is no easy task and is not something that just anyone can do. That said, there are a number of medical transcriptionist courses one can take and complete within six months. This is an ideal way to get your foot in the door.

Once you have some experience, you can start making some good money. Now, without sufficient experience, a transcriptionist can start out at around $12 an hour. However, with the right experience that rate can jump beyond the $25 an hour mark, which is not bad for working out of the comforts of your own home.

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