Thursday, July 12, 2012

Web Business Opportunity

They say opportunity knocks only once, and it is the wise person who will seize a business opportunity when he or she sees it on the web. Fortunately, there are literally millions of such breaks on the worldwide web, and you can take your pick of the ones that suit your individual skills, preferences, products, or services. The internet is an entire universe of possibilities, and while each opportunity may knock only once, there are millions of others businesses in the web waiting in line.

Such has been the experience of many entrepreneurs who have made it big in cyberspace. Take, for instance, the story of Charles Foreman, the founder of Omgpop which created the hugely popular game Draw Something. Before launching the game, the company was about to close, and Foreman had less than $2,000 in his bank account. But then Draw Something became a phenomenal success, downloaded millions upon millions of times by game players. Finally, game company Zynga bought Omgpop last March for a cool $180 million. "I had $1,700 in my bank account yesterday and now I have a whole lot more," Foreman said modestly.

Or take Ashley Qualls, a teenage high school dropout whose website,, earns as much as $70,000 a month offering MySpace page layouts. The layouts are free, but because the site is hugely popular, Qualls earns loads of money from Google AdSense advertising revenue. The site earns so much that she could afford to reject offers to buy it -- including one for $1.5 million and a car worth $100,000!

The worldwide opens a world of business opportunity to people who have great ideas and great products or services. Sometimes it takes luck, but mostly it takes skill, patience, and tenacity to make it big. In Foreman's case, a partner helped bring him from the brink of poverty to the height of profitability, and this is replicated in the experience of many web entrepreneurs worldwide. For Qualls, having Google as partner spelled the difference between being a regular teenager and a very young millionaire.

Many people have great ideas, but only a few have the knowledge and the business acumen to get them through the maze of cyberspace. Finding the right partner can transform an opportunity to a truly great web business. The key is to keep going and learning the ropes until the business opportunity matches your skill and knowledge.

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