Tuesday, May 29, 2012

2 Easy Ideas for Growing Your Home Based Business (HINT - You DON'T Need to Work Harder at All)

Everyone with a home based business knows they need a blog.

You need content to compete.

But not just any content. And NOT just "any" blog.

You need content that's continuously updated with topical and temporal content that keeps your audience engaged, entertained, interested and inspired.

What most online marketing gurus won't tell you.......is that is NOT an easy task.

Sure it's easy to crank out a funny post, or a contrarian position, or some controversial content that WILL generate some buzz.

But keeping that up over time is what keeps MOST blogs in the basement, at least as far as earning what they're truly worth.

I want to challenge you to think a wee bit differently.

The truth is, if you are blogging for building your brand, your business and your bank account, you do NOT need to create copious amounts of killer content to build a huge audience.

Instead, you need to create content strategically, and serve multiple masters simultaneously as well. (your readers, the social networks, and the search engines alike)

I'm going to give you 2 super simple strategies that NOT one in 500 bloggers use, and that will radically improve every single element of the above in rapid fire turn around.

As a matter of fact, I've personally used this exact approach to rehabilitate, rejuvenate and reactivate any number of bland, boring and plain "dead" blogs......both for myself and for our clients, and without really needing to write much more than usual.

Crush it With Q and A:

Question and Answer sites STILL do incredibly well in 2012. Do a search for any topic under the sun....and I guarantee you'll find at least one Q and A style site on the first page of the results, often in the first few spots. (YAHOO ANSWERS being the most omnipresent of the bunch)

The truth is, there are simple plugins that you can get for free which will emulate that exact approach, and quite literally, you can add 10 questions a day to your blog in under an hour. (that's 300 a month if you follow through for 30 days)

A big TIP? Go and use the 100% free Word tracker Questions tool...as it will give you the EXACT questions being asked in your niche, verbatim. Just add those exact questions to your Q and A section, and you've got a luscious long tail of "perfect match" keywords that your competition won't.

Build it With Buddy Press

If you haven't used it yet, BP is a free plugin that turns a standard Wordpress installation into a full featured social network. The benefit is, as you sign up new readers, they will naturally create copious amounts of content FOR you, by virtue of sharing their thoughts, opinions or activities in the niche.

I can't you how amazingly easy and effective this is, as Buddy press takes about 15 minutes to set up, and about 5-10% of your traffic WILL sign up for your site and create a profile, add interact with your content and community.

Remember, this is all FREE content that you don't have to pay for....it's natural, and unique and 100% user generated (which is the holy grail of SEO in 2012 and will continue to become more important for years to come).

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