Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Learn Yourself! (About a Work From Home Business)

Do you find it frustrating when you really want to do something but don't know how? Me, too. However, if you really want to start a business that let's you work from home, you may find it a bit grating because it requires skills and knowledge that you can't just find at the bottom of a cereal box. Unfortunately, this isn't the sidewalk lemonade stand you ran on your corner in the summer of 4th grade (despite your impressive profit margins).


Is it surprising to learn that there are classes centered on work from home information? It shouldn't as the interest in working from home has skyrocketed in the last twenty years. Still, it doesn't seem readily apparent, does it? Regardless, there are such courses and as long as you live near a community college (or just have access to the Internet) you can expose yourself to home-business concepts and approaches.

Some of the courses include not only how to write up a business or marketing plan, but also how to learn about zoning restrictions or licenses and permits. Not to mention that you'll be amongst peers and literally have a how-to instructor. The course may not teach some of the real life ins and outs, but at least it's a solid beginning.


Maybe you already know someone who has a work at home business. If you do then it's time you bought them a cup of coffee (or dinner and drinks) and picked their brain about what to do. Unlike the academic setting, talking to someone with hands on experience can give you a more practical approach.

If you don't know someone, however, you can always go to your local Better Business Bureau and see if you can't happen upon a relationship. Undoubtedly, there'll be a few empathetic souls you can find or at least a fellow entrepreneurs who understands the importance of networking.


This is not the recommended way as a business to work from home is a serious enterprise. However, with more people taking this plunge there is definitely a wealth of available information about the do's an don'ts. In fact, for the price of a library card (free) you'll have access to most of the academic texts and personal blogs about starting a business from home. At which point you can leave your frustration behind and hopefully start enjoying the freedom of a home based business.

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