Tuesday, May 29, 2012

You Have the Choice to Work From Home

The paradigm has shifted. No longer are people dogmatic about their employment options. It used to be that you'd find work with one company and stay with them through retirement. However, those days have gone the way of the poodle skirt.

Why? Well, if you ask anyone under the age of 40 why they don't plan on staying with one company for their entire career, they'll probably cite the professional mistreatment of their parents. How after decades of hard work and loyalty, they were eventually downsized or forced to retire early by their employer.

People of all ages and professions are finally understanding that they are no longer indentured to their employers. That they can in fact have ample success by finding one of the many jobs that allow them to work from home independently.


Often when people think of work from home jobs they think of computers. Whether it's being a virtual online assistant or a freelance web designer, most of the time working from home is synonymous with keyboards and spread sheets.

However, if you have trade skills you don't have to be beholden to a time clock. You can choose to start up your own home based contracting business. Whether you are a carpenter, a plumber, a mason, or a whatever, when you work out of your home you remove yourself from being tied to the whims and fears of your company.

Are there cons to starting your own contracting business? Sure, but after you read up on some work from home information you'll be better able to protect yourself from some of the more common pitfalls.

Work from home Moms

A category that is full of tradition and professional stigma, and thus ripe to highlight that we all have choices. There are hundreds of work from home jobs for stay at home Moms, but you would never know that unless you were motivated to seek out this information. A short list would include virtual assistant, corporate party planner, bookkeeper, picture framer, or computer repair technician.

All of these jobs offer the freedom to work and earn from your own home, and all of them can be had if the person so chooses. Just because a stay at home is expected to keep their focus and energy centered on the kids, doesn't mean they can't have a productive and healthy professional career. This is all to say that the days of having only one employment option are gone. This is America, after all, home of opportunity!

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