Monday, June 4, 2012

3 Great Advantages of Working From Home

It's a wonderful moment when the boss finally agrees to let you work from home. Gone are the days of your lunch being stolen from the lounge refrigerator. In fact, though people not stealing your food shouldn't be undervalued, it's really not that high up on the list of advantages to working from home. Here's a few that are.

Manage your entire life better

With one of the many legitimate work from home jobs available, you'll be better able to manage your entire life. I mean, how many times a week does a work related responsibility interfere with your everyday needs? Whether it's a sick child you can't pick up from school or a family dinner that couldn't be made because you were too exhausted to remember to buy groceries on the way home, the office is supposed to provide you with a means to a life but it seems to often do the exact opposite.

When you have access to all parts of your life all the time, you are better able to manage them. Of course, this means that you'll have to be realistic about your needs. Just because you're working from home doesn't mean you're on vacation. As long as you can manage your workload though, you'll find that there is a drastic improvement not only in the quality of your life but also in the lives of those connected to you.

Lack of a commute

I'm not sure if there's anything worse than being stuck in traffic on your way home from work. Your nerves are shot, you're hungry, you have limited ability to manage your mood and there you are rubbernecking for ten straight miles. It can make any person think violent thoughts about the motorists around them.

Without a daily commute, you can save not only on car maintenance and gas, but also on visits to the therapist and psychotropic medication. With work from home employment, you can manage your time spent on the road to when it works best for your. Need to get to get to the dry cleaners? Go when it works for you, not when you can wedge it into your schedule - like in the middle of morning rush hour.

Independent work

Possible the greatest advantage to any of the jobs where you can work from home, is that you can function independently of any coworkers or supervisors. It doesn't even have to be one of the best work from home jobs, just the fact that you are able to work without being micromanaged by a supervisor or distracted by a coworker is wonderful enough. You know what you have to do and you do it. It's as simple and beautiful as that.

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