Monday, June 11, 2012

So You Want to Make Good Money Online?

So you want to make some real money on the Internet? Yes?

Well, my first question is what have you already tried? Are you a complete 'newbie' or have you been at it for a while?

And my second question is... are you looking for a get-rich-quick solution, or are you prepared to do some work and learn the ropes?

For today I am going to assume that you are a totally innocent newbie. You have heard that fortunes can be made online and you want to get aboard and go for your share.

I spend several hours daily on the Internet and seem to be on every "guru's" mailing list, so I am bombarded with product launches almost daily, and some of them are very convincing. You have probably been hit with a few yourself.

They can be separated into basically two groups. The honest ones - genuine workable opportunities - and the scams! But how do you tell the difference?

The so-called "Gurus" are well aware that tens of thousands of new people start browsing the internet every day and that many of them are searching for ways to make real money online. They also know that we all have to some extent a desire to 'get-rich-quick'. It's a battle within ourselves between skepticism and optimism. We try to be rational but when somebody tells us we can 'get-rich-quick' we WANT to believe it. This leaves us open to the oh-so-convincing pitches of the scammers who tell us it can all be done in a few clicks by some miracle new software that exploits a flaw in the system, and that it will all be on autopilot so you don't have to lift a finger or understand any technology. And you get the whole deal for $39!

If you are gullible enough to take all that in, my bet is you have been let down a couple of times because the truth is that making real money online does take some knowledge and some effort! It is no different than any other kind of marketing (or business) in that sense because the way to make good money in any endeavor is basically always the same. Find a market sector with a need and fulfill it with and excellent product or service for an abundant exchange!

Think of your favorite company or service. Isn't that what they do and why you like them?

If you believe you can get rich without doing this then somebody else must be getting ripped off!

A big clue about the product is this: Do they spend all the time dangling fast cars, big mansions, beautiful girls and piles of dollar bills at you or do they actually tell you about the product or service that you will be marketing?

Personally I avoid the one click wonders and the systems that do it all for you and claim they require little or no effort on your behalf. Suppose they make you some real money for a little while and then stop working. What do YOU do then? (Buy the next enticing offer?)

Think about your favorite athlete or performer. He/she may look a complete natural but have you any idea how many hours they train or practice? You get my point? Anything worth having has to be worked for. The world of instant gratification is a fake - a druggies dream! And so are get-rich-quick promises.

So my message today is a simple one. There is a technology of how to make real money online and it is not that hard to learn, and there are "gurus" out there who will give you the straight dope without any curves or omissions. That might seem like the slow way to go about it but if you have bought a few programs that were all hype and mirrors you know how much time that wasted, and money too if you didn't get a refund.

Now if you don't believe me go ahead and buy a hyped up one-click-wonder software and find out for yourself! Then go to the URL below and I'll tell you what it actually takes to make real money online!

Brian Wingate

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