Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Combat Workplace Stress With Your Own Business

You may not realize it, but working your 9-5 job may be more damaging than you think. We all complain about our jobs and try to prepare ourselves every weekend for going back to work at the beginning of the week, but little do we know, the stress and negative emotions may have more of an impact on your health.

One of the most common stressful things that come from your job is being overworked and yet having absolutely no control. As soon as you arrive to your job, you are put to work - however, your freedom is limited to none. The projects you are given are usually not your ideas, and you seem to be working off of someone else's schedule. Peter L. Schnall, MD, occupational stress expert at the University of California, says that these high-demand, low-control jobs are the cause of much psychological strain. Being able to own your own business where everything is in your control will help decrease stress and let you know that everything is being handled the way you want it, and you are not being controlled by someone else.

Another stressful situation for employees is that of someone who works all the time, puts in 100% in everything that they do, shows off their bosses and works nonstop - even after arriving at home, and receives no credit and no recognition. When you are an eager person, willing to give it your all in what you do and receive no compensation or approval, this can be extremely stress inducing and is not good when trying to achieve your goals. Look at your career goals and decide if you would rather work your tail off for no reward, or find what you want to do, do it, and receive your proper credit. In a home business, you will display your eagerness to succeed and people will recognize it.

Along with the two examples above, this all can lead up to serious fatigue and that's a very dangerous position to be in. When you are mentally beat down, this leads to weaker defenses in your physical body, which leads to general weakness and lethargy that is not healthy at all. If you feel so frazzled that you might end up having a breakdown, that's when you need to seriously take a step back and find out how to fix the problem.

Don't endanger or restrain yourself by working in a place that causes you stress and health problems. Fortunately, with so many opportunities arising from home businesses, there is another way to save your health and to continue working in a stress-free, healthy workplace - your home!

Not only is it important to consider a home business, it is also important to consider what type of home business you run.

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