Friday, June 8, 2012

How To Stay Productive When You Feel Like Quitting

It happens to everyone there are mornings when you get up and just feel like quitting right there and then. It's happened to me and I'll bet it's happen to you along with every other person who is in business for themselves. After all, not everything goes the way you want it to, things can and do go wrong.

The feeling to quit is NOT due to laziness but rather motivation. This is especially true if you are new to Internet-marketing, blogging or in fact any business. You have put in the hard yards, worked like crazy, and for what? Little or no results? Yes it is depressing to work so hard and not see any results we all like to be rewarded for our work.

So what are the options? Quit? Throw away all that hard work and go back to working at the job you promised yourself you would never work at again. Give up on your dreams? And settle for the mediocre lifestyle you don't really enjoy. Is that what you REALLY want to do? Or do you still desire that millionaire lifestyle, the freedom to work your own hours, travel, spend more time with the family? Of course you would rather chose your dream lifestyle right?

When I first started out in Internet-marketing I was working long hours, longer than I ever imagined for virtually nothing. I would see blogs which I felt did not compare with mine yet these people where making money hand over fist. Hard to swallow and even harder not to feel envious. Yet, deep inside, I knew it was possible to make more than just a living from internet-marketing. I discovered it takes patience, dedication and at times, a fake-it-till-it-becomes- real mindset.

Even when you feel like quitting TAKE ACTION. It is so important to take some form of action no matter how small. By taking action your mind is once more focused on your goals. Doesn't have to be a massive amount of action but do take action. You're not going to get over the feeling of quitting by lying in bed feeling sorry for yourself. In fact that type of 'action' will only make you feel worse as guilt will start to rear its ugly head.

Remember too there aren't really any get-rich-quick schemes (well there maybe but more than likely they lead straight to jail). Any successful person will tell you that success is not an over-night happening. It takes time to build a successful business. Time and dedication.

Each day, depending on how much time you have available, work on your business. Be realistic about your time frames if you only have two hours then make those two hours a productive time. Don't waste them reading through a mass of emails just read the important ones and move on to areas which will be income producing.

When the feelings of quitting are around don't focus on the monetary side. Yes I know that's not easy because we all want to make money. But if you are at the stage in your business where the money is not flowing in focusing on the monetary aspect will more than likely make you feel even bluer.

Dedication is also important. Sadly many people take the easy option when the blues hit. They head for the exit door. When, with a little more dedication and perseverance, their big break may well be just around the corner.

Too many hopeful newbies, quit too soon. They read all the blurbs about how so and so made mega-bucks in a matter of days but what they don't realize is that, that person has either put in years of hard work and research before hitting the mega-bucks or frankly, is downright scamming people.

Perseverance is the key to success in any business or in fact, anything in life.

Quitting is not really an option if you truly BELIEVE in what you are working to achieve. Belief is also a very important factor. It can be very difficult to continue to believe, totally and utterly, in your goals especially when friends, family and the local shop keeper are all telling you that you are crazy and that you need to 'get a proper job'. In my experience there are just too many people around all ready and willing to aid you in quitting but very few who will actually encourage you not to give up. So make sure you avoid, where ever possible, the nay-sayers. Especially when you feel like quitting.

So there you have it. The choice is yours. Do you really want to quit? Or do you want to stay the course?.

Success is just around the corner. Stay true to yourself. Believe in your dreams. Work consistently on your business. Persistence is better than genius. Daily dedication is the key to overcoming the feelings of quitting.

Stay productive and the feeling of quitting will dissipate quicker than you realize.

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