Monday, June 18, 2012

Do You Have That Ability to Work From Home?

Undoubtedly, with a real work at home job there can be some real work at home problems with productivity. I mean, with the fridge and the television calling to you all day, how could you not get side tracked?

Now, if you are nodding your head in agreement, you probably don't have the necessary skills to successfully work from your home. However, it's not like these skills are in a vault somewhere deep underground where only the most extraordinary humans can access them. Nope, if you have a work from home opportunity that you'd really like to take, know that there are only two basic skills that you absolutely need.

The ability to stay focused

When you work from your home the ability to stay focused is of the utmost importance. Why? Well, because unless you have an elaborate staff working from the confines of your home office, you probably don't have anyone else to remind you of deadlines and project specifications besides yourself.

You and you alone are responsible for not only understanding the minutiae of a project but also seeing it through to completion. The beckoning from the television (and Internet) will just have to be ignored.

If your skills with this are a bit rusty, you're going to need some coping strategies. This can mean anything from a crazy amount of post it notes to actually hiring a personal assistant if only to heckle you as you wander back to the fridge. Otherwise, you may go into shock when you suddenly re-learn that the deadline for that huge project was this past Friday.

The ability to stay organized

A sister ability to staying focused, but one that's so important it deserves its own subheading. Staying organized is crucial to staying productive with any work from home employment.

Things that were once definitively outside your realm of responsibilities are now looking you squarely in the eye. Things like payroll, health benefits, stationary supplies, and all the other 63 items I'm not remembering are only going to get done if you know they need to be done.

If you aren't so organized, you are in luck. Whole sections of stores are devoted to helping people stay organized. Everything from day planners to calendar software to phone apps that chirp to remind you to put things into color coded files are all out there waiting to help you stop being a never ending hot mess.

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