Monday, June 4, 2012

Stay at Home Mom Vs Working Mom

My husband is in the work force. He is a full fledged member who commutes, works long days, and catches a late train home on many nights. He is in a federal job, so he sees his share of diversity, including dealing with several women in the workplace. Occasionally he tells me, a professional stay at home mom, that many of the women he works with would give their right arm to swap places with me. I beg to differ - not everyone desires to be home based - some women crave climbing the corporate ladder and being in the hustle and bustle and wearing well put together outfits to work.

I have been at home for over 18 years and I have always been intrigued by the "stay at home mom vs the working mom" comparison.

Let me say off the bat that the decision to be either is one that is a personal choice and has to be a consensus agreement for all involved parties. I made the choice early on when we decided to homeschool our kids and really give them a firm, home-based foundation. I have many friends who regale the benefits of working outside of the home and making their own way and contributing to the family coffers. I must say that it didn't take me long to discover that a stay at home mom could actually have the best of both worlds. And when it comes down to it, the comparison between stay at home mom vs working mom is really a moot point, because technically they are both working moms. One just gets paid in legal tender and the other in sticky hugs and kisses.

About 2 years into my journey as a stay a home mom I realized that I still had marketable skills I could share with people beyond those in my household. I started a program where I went to schools and taught pre-schoolers and elementary aged children, basic Spanish lessons. The blessings were manifold - in some cases I was able to bring my well behaved child with me for the lesson or I was able to get a family member to babysit. Also, this activity happened for only a few hours a couple times a week, so I still was able to maximize my time at home. At some point, due to my expansion, I even hired a few teachers to work for me.

Since then, (three children later) I have become even more excited to build leverage and meet business partners all around the globe. Stay at home mom vs working mom really do not have to be two polar opposites. There is actually a very happy medium which can satisfy many needs of the multi-talented, resourceful, smart and fun mom. A profitable endeavor for any stay at home mom who wants to become a work at home mom, could be learning how to gain internet skills to make money online. How exciting is that? You could actually be in one country networking with another mom 5,000 miles away, helping her earn extra income for her family.

Society, often seeking out drama and stand offs, would have us to believe there really is an "us vs them", a "stay at home mom vs working mom". But I know the truth. The truth is that the choice is an individual one that may need tweaking as situations change and that moms in general are super creative and can come up with a myriad of solutions and options when it comes to the safety and success of their children.

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