Monday, June 11, 2012

What Is a Solo Ad? (Part 1)

Every online business, to make money online, needs a mailing list of customers who will buy from them.

Building a list is hard work and takes time to drive targeted traffic to your website.

One of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website is with solo ads.

The solo ad will contain information about your product and service and contain a link to your website or landing page. If the reader considers your offer beneficial to them, they will click the link to find out more information. To receive more information, you ask the reader to provide their name and email address into a form on your website or landing page so that you can send it to them. This person is now a prospect on your list.

The primary advantage of a solo ad is that it is the only message that a reader sees and it is sent by someone the reader knows and trusts.

While these ads do generally cost more than other online advertising, if you have proven ad copy and if your website is converting visitors into prospects, it provides a very good return on your investment.

The ad is normally in a text format, just like a regular email, and because it is only sent to people who are interested in what you have to offer, you are communicating to an audience who are more likely to buy from you, or at the very least, have an interest in what you have to sell. For example, if your website sells golf accessories, you may have some success if you advertise with a sports or leisure magazine. However, your return on investment will be higher if you know that your message is going to people who are specifically interested in golf and golf alone.

There are two ways that you can send out a solo ad.

This first article deals with buying 'names' from an online marketer who already has a big list of subscribers. Part 2 is about using Ezines.

You can contact an online marketer with a big list of subscribers and they will send your message to a section of their list for a fee. You will not know the names of the people who will receive your message. You purchase your solo ad based on the number of people that the list owner will send the message to - normally starting from around hundred names up to a few thousand.

When purchasing a campaign from an online marketer with a big list you will obviously pay more for your message to be sent to more people. Often a list owner will guarantee a set number of 'clicks'. This means that they will send out your message to a pre-determined number of people and guarantee that these people will open your email message and 'click' on the link to your website or landing page.

It is always worth contacting the list owner prior to purchasing a campaign to ensure that their list will be receptive to your offer and when they will be able to send it out. Unless you have established a good relationship with the list owner you may have to wait a week or two before your ad is sent out and you may not have the option of the exact day that it is sent. Also, some list owners will write the ad copy, so make sure that they fully aware of the benefits of your product or service.

Do 'shop around' as there are many list sellers who charge different prices for sending out to the same number of names. You do get what you pay for, so sometimes the cheapest is not necessarily the best. Always check for testimonials from others who have purchased from the list owner.

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