Tuesday, June 12, 2012

3 Reasons Why ANYBODY Can Build A Website and Make Money!

Want to build a website? Not sure where to start?

If you're like most people, the prospect of building your own online website business interests you. Buy you may be intimidated by all of the technical jargon out there.

You may feel like it would take you forever to learn how - or that there's just too much to cover.

But that's actually not true.

You see, about 10 years ago, that may have been true. It was quite technical to build a website - and even harder to make money with it.

But today things have changed drastically. Here are 3 reasons why anybody can build their own website to make money online.

#1 Easier-To-Learn Website-Building Tools

When I started out building websites, you had very limited options. Most people bought software like Dreamweaver (which was very expensive - and difficult to learn to use) and spent a few months practicing on it.

They built their website offline and then used FTP to uploaded it to the World Wide Web through their webhosting service.

You usually had to have at least some rudimentary programming knowledge and know HTML to build a half-way decent-looking site.

It could be slow and arduous - especially for those of us who aren't that technically savvy.

But that's actually not your only option anymore. While you can still use old methods if you choose, there are a ton of new, simpler tools you can use to build your site. And the great news is that you don't need to know any programming to do it.

There are WYSIWYG site builders and drag-and-drop web design tools. You can get super-simple software or build your site online.

For example, I recently tested out 2 new website builders - and both of them took me less than half a day to learn (and I am not a techie by any means - I still have to call my husband to update my computer virus software).

So there are better website builders out there - builders that make it easy for you to create and design a show-stopping website - without you having to learn a single line of code!

#2 You Have Something Unique To Say and Share With Others

Another reason that anybody can make a website is that everybody has something unique to say and share with the world.

People think that there are so many websites out there that they couldn't possibly compete. But that's just not true.

OK, so you probably shouldn't go head-to-head with Amazon or Best Buy. But I guarantee you that you can contribute something that others haven't heard before - just because of your own unique view and life experiences.

For example, there are tons and tons of websites out there on how to build a website. But one thing I noticed was that many of them were too technical (because they were written by very smart, tech-savvy people who'd build tens or hundreds of websites using programming, CSS, PHP etc).

So they were completely intimidating for a newbie.

Several friends of mine (who knew I'd been making my living full time from my website businesses) kept complaining to me about how they wanted to build a website - but didn't understand all the mumbo-jumbo out there.

They just wanted a simple, straightforward, step-by-step guide for people who didn't want to learn programming or spend months designing a site.

So I started a site to help these friends - and others - on how to build a website for beginners who didn't even know a line of code. It's a niche site - building a website - but specifically and only for beginners.

I have another friend who is a diabetic. Instead of building a massive site on diabetes (which is a big subject), she focused on her particular interest - natural supplements that she has found useful in lowering her blood sugar.

Another friend is using her skills as a raw food chef to design a video series she'll sell from her website, teaching people how to get healthy with raw foods.

There are so many ways you can build a site that is unique. Even if you just want to build your own blog with a record of your favorite vacation. There will be lots of people who could use tips and would appreciate your feedback on your favorite hotels or sites to see.

#3 There are More Ways To Monetize Your Site Than Ever Before

The third reason anybody can build a website and make money is that there are so many more ways to make money than ever before.

Again, when I started out 10 years ago, there were a few things you could do. Affiliate programs and maybe sell your own eBook. But even those options were limited (there wasn't a lot of affiliate merchants and only a few ways you could distribute your eBook).

But today the options are mind-boggling. For example, you can take 5 minutes and place Google ads on your site - and start making a revenue share from people clicking on those ads.

You can write and sell your own eBook from your website as well as through Amazon and even the Apple store. You can sell video downloads from your website.

And affiliate programs are better than ever. (Affiliate programs are where you refer your website visitors to an online product. If they buy, you get a percentage of the sale).

You can refer your visitors to anything from gourmet chocolates to motorcycle parts to outdoor fountains to pool equipment. Basically, anything you have an interest in - there's probably an affiliate program for it.

You can also make money through professional referrals. For example, if you run a website on cosmetic surgery, you could make money from local cosmetic surgeons advertising on your site.

There are so many options these days on how to make money, it's simpler than ever. In fact many people use several of these ideas on their site to produce multiple streams of income.

So those are 3 reasons why anybody can build a website and make money today. While it does take an investment of time and energy, it's so much easier than ever before.

If a complete 'non-techie' like me can do it - you can do it too my friend!

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