Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What Does It Take to Become a Successful Direct Marketer Online?

Have you been tossing around the idea of a new career - as a direct marketer online? Are you wondering what it will take, and whether it's really the right choice for you?

If you've been searching the internet for online marketing opportunities and companies you've likely heard about all the great ways your life will change, all for the better. A lot of people are selling online marketing pipe dreams. Do these sound familiar...

  • Work when you want
  • No customers to deal with
  • Work at home on your computer
  • Never be laid off or downsized
  • "Make a ton of money"
  • "Never miss another of your son's soccer games"
  • Fire your boss
  • Join our upside-down, instant-cash matrix now and get rich!

But have you had an in-depth look at what it will really take to be successful? Don't be burned with such empty and false online promises. Starting a business requires some serious thought.

  • You have to work. Nothing happens until something moves, and that means what you're selling. The more focused time you invest in your business, the more money you'll likely make.
  • You must have customers. You can't do it all on your computer. You'll need to talk to people -on the phone and in person.
  • You must have cash to invest in marketing your business. To get those people to talk to, you'll have to find them - with marketing and advertising. Starting any business takes investment.
  • Your hours may not be your choice. You may have to work when people are home and you can reach them by phone. That can mean evenings and weekends.
  • Even though you'll likely be working with a system your company has made available, you'll still need to do the work, get on the phone, place those ads, and learn the skills.
  • Does your company have a skills training and mentoring program? If not, where will you get the training you need? Personally, I'd run if this was missing. It would be a deal-breaker.
  • If you are choosing a multi-level business, your compensation will depend on the success of the people who join your team. As they sell, you get a percentage of their sales. Many of these will not succeed (probably up to 95%), so you will be constantly looking for new team members. Have you the skills to coach and train others?

A lot of people look at online or internet direct selling as a "spare time" business. Sure, you can start it as a part-time business. However, don't expect to make thousands per month quickly. It takes work, planned action and personal responsibility to succeed.

Never invest in an opportunity that you are not sure about. Instead, find something that you are interested in and will enjoy doing. In other words; do what you like doing, and the money will follow.

Ask yourself if you are committed to the success of your business. And don't fool yourself - this is a business.

Do you have the self-discipline? Can you stick to a schedule you've set up? Are you able to be accountable?

Are you ready to take advantage of the training and mentorship your company offers?

And finally, do you have a big enough dream to keep you going?

Online marketing can be very rewarding and fulfilling. If you're willing to put in the time and do the work, there are many benefits, from building income to meeting new friends, having time for travel, and creating a lifestyle of choice. Just choose wisely.

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